Texts of Fields of BwPostman do not fit


Repeatedly the question appears: I don't like the texts which are provided by BwPostman. Am I able to change them?

Yes! Joomla!® is able to provide such, so BwPostman is able to do so, too.


First comes the guidance, how to change the texts, then some background is pictured out for whom who is interested. This guide is not only for BwPostman but basically also for all texts of Joomla!® and extensions, which use the language system of Joomla!®.

Now the guide:

  1. Look at the front end, how the text is written exactly, which don't please. As exapmle I here use „I accept the disclaimer“. If You copy this text using Your mouse, You prevent typing the text manually and save typos.
  2. Now go to back end to Extensions -> Language(s) -> Overrides and click to new.
  3. At right You see the section for text search. There You enter the text, which don't pleases, in our example this is „I accept the disclaimer“. If You previously copied with the mouse, now You are able to easily paste the text with the mouse.
  4. Ensure that „Value“ is selected.
  5. Now click at Search.
  6. After short time the search results are shown below. At our case there probably is only one result, which is: „COM_BWPOSTMAN_DISCLAIMER“
    But it can happen that other extensions use this text likewise. Then there are more search results. Language strings used by BwPostman, You can identify by „_BWPOSTMAN“.
  7. If You now click to the search result, the language string is applied to the left section and the fields are filled with the language key and the text.
  8. Now You can change the text to Your pleasure. The language key must stay the same as it is entered, otherwise the whole language string cannot work (see below).


It is common to store the texts for the output of a program at so called language files. Per language the program supports there is at least one language file.

Doing so You get some advantages:

Firstly it keeps the code clean. How would code looks like if You have to provide all the texts of all supported languages at all places, where text should be outputted?

Next You are able to add support for a new language without touching the code.

Third You are able to make changes to the texts without touching the code.

Usually these language files contains key-value-pairs. The keys are used at the code. When it comes to display the text, internal functions firstly look which language file has to be used. Then these internal functions searches at the appropriate language file for the key and its value is read. This value is placed at the position of the output, at which the language key is set at the code.

Joomla!® uses separated language files for front end and back end. With this the size of the language files is limited to the necessary. Components, modules, plugins, libraries and templates also get their own language files, per extension and supported language at least one.