Infos For The Update Of BwPostman Timecontrol to Version 2.0.0


with this update of BwPostman TimeControl come some basic changes.

The plugin and the events are changed to Joomla! 4 native. That means, that BwPostman TimeControl 2.0.0 doesn't work with Joomla! 3 anymore. But therefore it is future-proof and now works with Joomla! 5. Nevertheless the update to version 2.0.0 should take place with Joomla! 4, an update at Joomla! 5 is only possible with a workaround.

Read more: Infos For The Update Of BwPostman Timecontrol to Version 2.0.0

Infos for BwPostman and Joomla! 4

BwPostman 4

Good things come to those who wait: Joomla! 4 is released. Not jet quite on the dot of starting Joomla! 4 there now is a new version of BwPostman, BwPostman 4.

BwPostman 4 is a complete new BwPostman, which doesn't work with Joomla! 3. Otherwise version 3.1.7 and former versions of BwPostman 3 doesn't work with Joomla! 4.

Read more: Infos for BwPostman and Joomla! 4