Here You find informations and support for language packages and translations


20 März 2023 13:47 #2206 von JANBOL

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  • JANBOL antwortete auf French
    Hello ROMANA, I have another request, olease read the attached PDF document

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    Hello JANBOL,

    the Joomla! language override system is not meant to be used to translate to another language. You can use it, but it will be very painful. The usual way is to look/ask for an appropriate language package.

    I assume, You were looking for language strings from the emails (confirmation, some special texts of the newsletter). I also assume, You were looking for these language strings in the front end language files. But these strings reside at the backend language files, because the mails are composed ans sent from the backend.


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    20 März 2023 13:56 #2207 von Romana

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  • Beiträge: 959
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  • Romana antwortete auf French
    Hello JANBOL,

    this is not the first time, I answer this question: At test sending these links are not replaced! To test this, You have to create a test mailing list with some subscribers and do a real sending to this mailing list.


    P.S:: It is really hard to read Your answers. What is Your problem with Kunena? Perhaps I can repair, so my work is not so hard…

    Problem gelöst? Dann bitte auf gelöst klicken. Über ein Danke freue ich mich immer.
    Problem solved? Please click to solved.I am glad to every thank you.

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